Friday 28 November 2014


On tuesday the 25th and wednesday the 26th St. Wolstans held a fashion show. The fashion show was held in Celbridge Manor.  I wasn't modelling or in the fashion show but i was selling my mini company 'ignite candles'. The past few days organising the mini company was very stressful, but it was worth it in the end.
Shout out to hannah mahon from i protect xxxx

I got to watch the second half of the fashion show on both nights, i was really surprised how good it was! all the models looked unreal. oh and the Glee club was fab goooo Rizzalynn!!!!!!! The fashion show was a great success.

Shout out to Kul Kat Kim 

Friday 14 November 2014

Mini Company

In Ty were doing mini company. You basically create your own company. We first heard about it at the start of the year. The hardest part so far was thinking of a product that everybody would buy. My group finally decided on candle making:)))

We thought of everyone who would buy a candle or who people would buy it for. We came up for a name for our mini company 'Ignite candles' well be selling soon so look out for us!

We will be selling a range of different size candles and a range of different scents. For christmas our scents will be Cinnamon, Holly and ivy and Christmas tree. we will also be selling Other scents too.

Make sure you like our facebook page 'ignite candles'
follow us on twitter for a daily update 'ignitecandles'
and last but not least follow us on instagram 'ignite_candles' 
We follow back:)))) 

Friday 7 November 2014

English play

We decided at the start of Ty that we were going to a play. We had the option of writing it ourselves or being handed a play. We decided to be creative and write our own.
Writing a play is a lot harder than it sounds because first you have to think of a good idea... That was near impossible. Our first idea was a car crash and how they recovered after it but that idea was scrapped completely.
We then thought long and hard about it and we decided on a new idea- Child abuse. We are going to write our play about how two people dealt with being abused at home- both with very different endings.
Our play is really started to come along now and were really happy with it. We only have a few more sences to write then we will be finished. I cant wait to see how it turns out